Wednesday, November 25, 2009


August 10, 2009

The Madisonville City Council met in a regular meeting on August 10, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at 210 W. Cottonwood, Madisonville, Texas

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting called to order with the following members present:
Don Dean-Mayor
Marvin Stanton-Mayor Protem
Donald Myrick-Council Member
Debra Drake-Council Member
Lois Brown-Council Member
Terri Creel-Council Member
Paul Catoe- City Manager
John Bankhead-City Attorney
Rosa Barrera- City Secretary

II. INVOCATION – Marvin Stanton
IV. VISITORS FORUM (3 Minutes) Father Mike Barone gave an update about the
Mushroom Festival

1. Approval of the minutes as written for the July 9, 2009 and the July 13th,
2009 meetings.
****Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to approve the minutes as written,
Seconded by Lois Brown all voting aye motion carried
2. Approval of Accounts Payable as written for the previous month
****Motion was made by Lois Brown to approve the accounts payable as
written, Seconded by Terri Creel all voting aye motion carried
3. Approval of Accounts Payable for Drakes Service for the previous month Council Member Drake shall abstain from all discussions and from voting
on this matter.
****Motion was made by Terri Creel to approve Drakes Service as written,
Seconded by Lois Brown, (4) four approved-Terri Creel, Donnie Myrick, Lois
Brown and Marvin Stanton (1) abstained was Debra Drake from Drake Service
motion carried

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II. OLD BUSINESS: The City Council may discuss and take actions on the following Agenda Items:

*****Motion was made by Terri Creel to go into closed executive session at 6:12 p.m.
Seconded by Lois Brown all voting aye motion carried

1. The City Council may enter Closed or Executive Session to discuss legal matters with the City Attorney – Government Code – 551.071.
• To Discuss Enforcement Actions against the City’s wastewater treatment
plant / collection system by the TCEQ.

The City Council for the City of Madisonville reserves the right to
Adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this
Meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas
Government Code Sections 551.071
551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations
about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076
Deliberations about Security Devices) and 551.086 (Economic Development.”

*****Motion was made by Lois Brown to go back into open session at 6:45 p.m.
Seconded by Terri Creel all voting aye motion carried


2. The City may take actions on any items as discussed in Executive Session.

• To Discuss Enforcement Actions against the City’s wastewater treatment plant / collection system by the TCEQ.
****No action taken, Mr. Paul Catoe will attend in a meeting on August 13, 2009 with
3. Presentation of information regarding the Wallace Group, Inc.

• Discussions regarding recent actions to increase water pressure to
the St. Joseph Hospital –
i. Presentation regarding actions taken thus far and the results
of those actions:
ii. Discussions regarding further actions which the City may
consider taking. (Such as a pressure tank)
****Discussion only
4. Discussion and possible actions to approve a revision to approve a task order
No. 9 to take out one of the generators for water well # 5 and to add one lift
station as far as providing generators. (According to our grant writer,
the HUD Funds should provide generators for both wells # 3 & Wells
# 5. which should be funded in different funding cycles.)
****Motion was made by Debra Drake to approve a task order No. 9 to take out one of
the generators for water well #5 and to add one lift station as far as providing generators.
Seconded by Lois Brown, all voting aye, motion carried

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5. Discussion and possible actions to approve Task Order No. 10. in reference
to miscellaneous projects which may require the services of an engineer
such as shooting elevations to review sewer flows for different development tracts.
****Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to approve task order no.9 not to exceed $10,000
Seconded by Lois Brown (4) four approved Donnie Myrick, Lois Brown, Debra Drake and
Terri Creel. (1) one abstained was Marvin Stanton motion carried

6. Discussion and possible actions to approve Task Order No. 11. In reference
to the design of the SCADA System and the Automatic Dialers.
****Motion was made by Terri Creel to tabled task order no. 11. Seconded by Debra Drake
All voting aye motion carried

7. Discussion and possible actions to approve Task Order No. 12. To
provide an emergency generator for the City Hall.
***Motion was made by Terri Creel to tabled task order no. 12. Seconded by Debra Drake
All voting aye motion carried

8. Discussion and possible actions to approve a Pre-Agreement for the 2009
CDBG Program.
***Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to approve a Pre Agreement for the 2009 CDBG
Program Seconded by Debra Drake all voting aye motion carried

9. Discuss and consider change order #1 for the Collard Street sewer main project.
(The Sewer main will have to be moved into the street due to the location
of an existing water line)
***Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to change order #1 for the Collard Street sewer
project. Seconded by Debra Drake all voting aye motion carried

VI. NEW BUSINESS: The City Council may take actions on the following agenda Items:

1. Discussion and possible actions regarding providing internet services for the
City of Madisonville – Ronnie Lockhart. (Ronnie Lockhart came in front of
the Council to request a letter of approval so, he can apply for a Grant)
***Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to approve the request of the letter for a grant
Seconded by Terri Creel all voting aye motion carried

2. Presentation regarding a new outdoor warning system for the City – Clyde
Turknett DH Marketing.
***Discussion Only

3. Discussions and possible actions regarding Extreme Promotions – Fire
Chief Thom Jones.
***Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to not approve Extreme Promotions
Seconded by Marvin Stanton all voting aye motion carried

4. Discussion and possible actions to replace Lisa Miller on the Planning &
Zoning Commission as she has moved to Corsicana.
***Motion was made by Terri Creel to replace Lisa Miller with David Williams on the
Planning & Zoning Commission, Seconded by Donnie Myrick all voting aye motion carried

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5. Discussion and possible actions in regards to picking up brush items and
trash items throughout the City.
***Motion was made by Terri Creel to hired three (3) temporary workers to pick up
Brush items and trash items throughout the City. Seconded by Donnie Myrick, all voting
aye motion carried

6. Discussions in regards to conducting a seal coating program or purchasing a
pot hole patching machine under line item No. 10-80-813 in the Street
Department. We currently have $114,335.60 remaining in the line item.
***Discussion only

7. Discussion and possible actions regarding the approval of an ordinance which
would allow the Code Enforcement Officer / Animal Control Officer to issue
citations for violations of the city codes.
***Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to change the revision to animal control officer, and
not a code enforcement officer (non technical areas) Seconded by Terri Creel all voting
aye motion carried.

8. The City Council may enter Closed or Executive Session to discuss legal
issues with the City Attorney - Government Code 551.071
***Motion was made by Terri Creel to go into closed executive session at 8:20 p.m.
Seconded by Donnie Myrick all voting aye, motion carried


The City Council for the City of Madisonville reserves the right to
Adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this
Meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas
Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney),
551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations
about Gifts and Donations), 551.74 (Personnel Matters), 551.076
Deliberations abut Security Devices) and 551.086 (Economic Development).”

a. To discuss the City’s legal obligations to provide certain services
after the 10 year statute of limitation expires in regards to
the municipal service plan.

b. To discuss the legal requirements in regards to the City providing
funds to public and or private entities through the allocation of
general funds and hotel/motel tax funds.

****Motion was made by Donnie Myrick to go back into open session at 8:40 p.m.
Seconded by Debra Drake all voting aye motion carried


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a. To discuss the City’s legal obligations to provide certain services
after the 10 year statute of limitation expires in regards to
the municipal service plan.

b. To discuss the legal requirements in regards to the City providing
funds to public and or private entities through the allocation of
general funds and hotel/motel tax funds.

****No discussion


A motion was made by Terri Creel to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. and seconded by Lois Brown
All voting aye. Motion Carried

Don Dean - Mayor
Rosa Barrera – City Secretary

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